
The reference section consists of four parts: standard steps, verifications, code generation and experimental stuff.

Standard Steps

Find below a discussion of all the steps in the standard Mocklis package that you can use. The list is, perhaps unfortunately, in alphabetic order. This means that some of the more common steps are listed towards the end, but it makes a little bit more sense as a reference section in this way.

Conditional steps

The conditional steps are steps that either branch out or cut short the invocation of a mocked member based on some condition.

The If steps branch to a different chain of steps if a given condition holds, with the option of joining the original remaining steps. In their basic form the decision is based on just information passed to the step, parameters to a method or key to an indexer. The InstanceIf step lets you make the decision based on the state of the whole mocked instance, and the IfAdd, IfRemove, IfGet and IfSet versions branch only for those actions of an event, property or indexer.

Here’s a mock setup for an indexer. Note the underlying name used for the indexer, which is used since it would not be well-formed C# to name a property this[]. The underlying name is usually Item - which is the reason why it’s not possible (unless the indexer name has been changed via the IndexerNameAttribute) to have a method named Item in a class with an indexer.

var mock = new MockSample();
    .If(g => g % 2 == 0, null, b => b.Return("Even"))

The null argument is for a parameter that decides when to use the if-branch when writing to the indexer.

If steps provide you with a joinpoint representing the non-if branch (called ‘ElseBranch’). In the following sample we have a property, where both the getter and setter are connected to the same Stored step. Only calls to the setter are logged to the console, however.

var mock = new MockSample();
    .IfSet(b => b.Log().Join(b.ElseBranch))

The last sample for a conditional step uses the OnlySetIfChanged conditional which only exists for properties and indexers. When an attempt to ‘set’ a value is made, the step will first try to ‘get’ the value, check if it’s actually changed, and only ‘set’ the new value if it has.

var mock = new MockSampleWithNotifyPropertyChanged();
    .Stored(out var pch);

The combination of the OnlySetIfChanged, RaisePropertyChangedEvent and Stored steps is so common that there is a shorthand: StoredWithChangeNotification

var mock = new MockSampleWithNotifyPropertyChanged();
    .Stored(out var pch);

Dummy steps

The Dummy steps will do as little as possible without throwing an exception. For a property or indexer, the step will do nothing for a setter, and return a default value for a getter. For an event, adding or removing an event handler do absolutely nothing, and for a method, it will not do anything with the parameters, and return default values for anything that needs returning, including out and ref parameters.

Note also that Dummy steps are final - you cannot add anything to follow them.

Join steps

We’ve already met the Join step in the sample code for If above, where it allows us to take any step (with the right form - that is member type and type parameters) and use as the next step. The missing piece is a method to designate a step as such a target, which is where the JoinPoint comes in.

Let’s say that we want to connect two properties to the same Stored step. The solution is to add a JoinPoint step just before the Stored step.

var mockDishes = new MockDishes();
mockDishes.Vichyssoise.JoinPoint(out var soup).Stored();

IDishes dishes = mockDishes;

dishes.Vichyssoise = "Best served cold";

Note that any step would do for a Join, as long as we can get hold of it. The following would work equally well, taking the Stored step itself and using that as a join point:

var mockDishes = new MockDishes();
mockDishes.Vichyssoise.Stored(out var soup);

Lambda steps

These steps are constructed with either an Action or a Func, and when they are called the Action or Func will be run. In the case of Func the result of the call will be returned.

The names always contain the word Action or the word Func, but they are further qualified for non-method steps. Property and indexer steps are called GetFunc and SetAction while event steps are called AddAction and RemoveAction.

The lambda steps (and some of the other steps) have ‘instance’ versions where the current instance of the mock is passed as an additional parameter. This parameter is always untyped (well, passed as object), so you’ll need to cast it to one of the mocked interfaces (or the mocking class itself) for it to be of any use. These steps have the names of their non-instance counterparts prefixed with the word Instance (so that InstanceSetAction would exist as a property step to give an example).

Here’s an example where a Send method takes a message of some reference type and returns a Task:

var mockConnection = new MockConnection();
mockConnection.Send.Func(m => m == null
    ? Task.FromException(new ArgumentNullException())
    : Task.CompletedTask);

Log steps

Log steps are your quintessential debugging steps. They won’t do anything except write out anything that passes through them, by default to the console althought this can be tailored to your specific needs.

Therefore you can just add in a .Log() if you need to figure out what happens with a given mock. Note that they are best added early in a mock step chain if you want to get a faithful representation of what’s being called from the code you are testing, as steps can short-circuit calls or make calls of their own down the chain.

The Getting Started makes extensive use of Log steps.

If you’re working with Xunit as your test framework, you probably know that you cannot write to the Console and expect the strings written to be part of the test output, and that instead your test class accepts an ITestOutputHelper on the constructor. The recommended approach is to have your test class implement the ILogContextProvider interface.

public class Tests : ILogContextProvider
    public ILogContext LogContext { get; }

    protected Tests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper)
        LogContext = new WriteLineLogContext(testOutputHelper.WriteLine);

Then you can replace all your calls to Log() with Log(this), and the lines will be written to the ITestOutputHelper.

There is also a specific LogContext for Serilog 2.x if you add the Mocklis.Serilog2 NuGet package. Create a SerilogContext with an ILogger that has a test-framework compatible sink, and set LogContext to that as in the example above.

Miscellaneous steps

Stuff that couldn’t really be placed in an existing category, and would have constituted a ‘one-step-only’ category if pushed…

Currently this (possibly expanding) category contains just the RaisePropertyChangedEvent step you saw in the last example of the Conditional steps category.

Missing steps

When one of these steps is invoked, it will throw a MockMissingException with information about the mock property itself.

The exception thrown could look something like this:

Mocklis.Core.MockMissingException: No mock implementation found for getting value of Property ‘ISample.TotalLinesOfCode’. Add one using ‘TotalLinesOfCode’ on your ‘MockSample’ instance.

Record steps

These steps will keep track of all the calls that have been made to them, so that you can assert in your tests that the right interactions have happened.

Each of the record steps will cater for one type of interaction only (method call, indexer get, indexer set, property get, property set, event add or event remove), and it will take a Func that transforms whatever is seen by the step to something that you want to store. They also provide the ‘ledger’ with recorded data as an out parameter.

There is currently no mechanism for letting record steps share these ‘ledgers’ with one another.

public void RecordAddedEventHandlers()
    // Arrange
    var mockSamples = new MockSampleWithNotifyPropertyChanged();
    mockSamples.PropertyChanged.RecordBeforeAdd(out var handlingTypes, h => h.Target?.GetType());

    // Act
    ((INotifyPropertyChanged)mockSamples).PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(new[] { typeof(RecordSamples) }, handlingTypes);

Repetition steps

The Times steps look a little like conditional steps in that they add a separate step chain that can be taken. They differ from the if-step in that they cannot join back to the normal path, and that the separate path will only be used a given number of times.

In the current version a get or a set both count as a usage from the same pool for property and indexer mocks, as do adds and removes for an event mock.

For a sample see the next section, return steps.

Return steps

Arguably the most important step of them all. The Return step, only useable in cases where some sort of return value is expected, will simply return a value.

There are three versions, one that just returns a given value once, and passes calls on to subsequent steps on later calls, one that returns items from a list one by one, and one that returns the same value over and over.

Here’s code that shows how to use these, and the repetition step:

var mock = new MockSample();
    .Times(2, m => m.Return(1))
    .ReturnOnce(int.MaxValue) // should really be infinity for this sequence
    .ReturnEach(5, 6)

var systemUnderTest = (ISample)mock;

Assert.Equal(1, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);
Assert.Equal(1, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);
Assert.Equal(int.MaxValue, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);
Assert.Equal(5, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);
Assert.Equal(6, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);
Assert.Equal(3, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);
Assert.Equal(3, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);
Assert.Equal(3, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);
Assert.Equal(3, systemUnderTest.GuessTheSequence);

Stored steps

If the Return steps are the most used steps, the Stored steps are definitely the first runners up. These steps are defined for properties, playing backing field to the mocked property. They are also defined for indexers, where the backing structure is a dictionary which has the default return value for all non-set keys.

When creating a Stored step for a property you can give it an initial value, and for both properties and indexers you can use verifications to check that the stored value has been set correctly by the components that are under test.

Stored steps are also used with events where the steps act as storage for added event handlers. If you have a reference to the Stored step you can raise events on these handlers, simply by calling Invoke on the stored value. Alternatively, if your handler type is a generic EventHandler<> or one of a handful of very common event handler types including PropertyChangedEventHandler and the basic EventHandler, the Mocklis library provides you with Raise extension methods. These can be found in the Mocklis.Verification namespace.

public void RaiseEvent()
    var mock = new MockSample();
    mock.MyEvent.Stored<EventArgs>(out var eventStep);
    bool hasBeenCalled = false;

    ISample sample = mock;
    sample.MyEvent += (s, e) => hasBeenCalled = true;

    eventStep.Raise(null, EventArgs.Empty);
    // equivalent: eventStep.EventHandler?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty);

For indexers the step is called StoredAsDictionary as it holds different values for different keys. It will return a default value rather than throw if an empty slot is read from.

Throw steps

Super easy - with these steps you provide a Func that creates an exception. When called, the step will call this Func and throw the exception it returns.

Verification steps

Verification steps are steps that track some condition that can be checked and asserted against.

ExpectedUsage steps take a verification group as a parameter, along with the number of time they expect the mocked member to be called (which are tracked individually for getters, setters, adds, removes and plain method calls).

To get access to all steps and checks (see next section) for verifications you need to have the namespace Mocklis.Verification in scope via a using statement at the top of your file.


If steps provide a means of creating behaviour for the system under test, verifications provide a means of checking that those behaviours have been used in the right way by the system under test.

Verifications come in two flavours. As normal steps they check data as it passes through them:

var vg = new VerificationGroup();
var mock = new MockSample();
    .ExpectedUsage(vg, "DoStuff",  1);



… and also as ‘checks’ that verify some condition of an existing step:

public void JustChecks()
    var vg = new VerificationGroup();
    var mock = new MockSample();
        .CurrentValueCheck(vg, "TLC", 60);

    ISample sample = mock;
    sample.TotalLinesOfCode = 60;


These are the only verifications in the framework at the moment. The expected usage steps work for all different member types, and track the different access methods independently. The current value checks exist for properties and indexers only, where the latter takes a list of key-value pairs to check.

To check that verifications have been met, call Assert on the top-most verification group, as done in the last example.

Mocklis Code Generation

An interface in C# can contain four different types of members: events, methods, properties and indexers. However each of them is just syntactic suger over one or two method calls. In Mocklis we represent each with a generic interface that encapsulates these method calls.

public interface IEventStep<in THandler> where THandler : Delegate
    void Add(IMockInfo mockInfo, THandler value);
    void Remove(IMockInfo mockInfo, THandler value);

public interface IIndexerStep<in TKey, TValue>
    TValue Get(IMockInfo mockInfo, TKey key);
    void Set(IMockInfo mockInfo, TKey key, TValue value);

public interface IMethodStep<in TParam, out TResult>
    TResult Call(IMockInfo mockInfo, TParam param);

public interface IPropertyStep<TValue>
    TValue Get(IMockInfo mockInfo);
    void Set(IMockInfo mockInfo, TValue value);

Ignoring the IMockInfo parameter for the moment, these represent what the different member types do, except they are modelled as if indexers always have one key, methods always one parameter and one result. Thanks to the value tuple feature we can pretend that multiple values are one.

Now it’s just a question of transforming any interface member into one of these four standard forms, and this is done by the code generated my Mocklis.

In the next few sections we’ll go over the different things that Mocklis can generate for us. There are a number of corner cases in particular to do with naming, and we won’t go over all of them here. For a reasonably complete set of cases see the Mocklis.MockGenerator.Tests project in the Mocklis source code.

Event mocks

The simplest (as in has the fewest special cases) thing to implement is events. An event has to be of a delegate type and is always represented by an Add/Remove pair of methods, which is exactly what the IEventStep interface models.

Let’s say that we have an interface with an event.

public interface ITestClass
    event EventHandler MyEvent;

The generated code for such an interface consists of three parts. The explicitly implemented event itself just forwards adds and removes to an EventMock, which is itself creted in the constructor and exposed as a property.

public class TestClass : ITestClass
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    public TestClass()
        MyEvent = new EventMock<EventHandler>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "MyEvent", "MyEvent", Strictness.Lenient);

    public EventMock<EventHandler> MyEvent { get; }

    event EventHandler ITestClass.MyEvent { add => MyEvent.Add(value); remove => MyEvent.Remove(value); }

That’s really all there is to it. A common question is how to raise events. The fact that an event itself has little to do with raising events is a common C# ‘gotcha’. The event is only about combining event handlers through the add and remove accessors. To raise an event you need to call Invoke on the resulting combined handler. In Mocklis you need to add a Stored step to an event in order to correctly remember and combine handlers so you have something to raise the event on. Then you can use the handler exposed by the Stored step. See the documentation for a Stored step above for a complete example.

Events can be generic-ish. For some reason it’s not possible to have an event of type parameter type, even if that type parameter is contrained to delegate type. But you can have an event of a generic delegate type, such as EventHandler<T>.

Property mocks

Like an event, a property has two accessor methods. In this case one to get a value, and one to set a value. Unlike an event you do not need to use both of them, as a property can be readonly or writeonly. The generated mock property doesn’t make a distinction, and the generated code for an interface with three string propertis with different access looks like this:

class TestClass : ITestClass
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    public TestClass()
        ReadOnly = new PropertyMock<string>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "ReadOnly", "ReadOnly", Strictness.Lenient);
        WriteOnly = new PropertyMock<string>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "WriteOnly", "WriteOnly", Strictness.Lenient);
        ReadWrite = new PropertyMock<string>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "ReadWrite", "ReadWrite", Strictness.Lenient);

    public PropertyMock<string> ReadOnly { get; }

    string ITestClass.ReadOnly => ReadOnly.Value;

    public PropertyMock<string> WriteOnly { get; }

    string ITestClass.WriteOnly { set => WriteOnly.Value = value; }

    public PropertyMock<string> ReadWrite { get; }

    string ITestClass.ReadWrite { get => ReadWrite.Value; set => ReadWrite.Value = value; }

Properties can be generic. Properties can also be of restricted type, in which case the generated code will fall back to virtual methods and you’ll need to subclass and override to add behaviour rather than using steps.

public interface ITestClass
    Span<string> SpanProperty { get; set; }

class TestClass : ITestClass
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    protected virtual Span<string> SpanProperty()
        throw new MockMissingException(MockType.VirtualPropertyGet, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "SpanProperty", "SpanProperty");

    protected virtual void SpanProperty(Span<string> value)
        throw new MockMissingException(MockType.VirtualPropertySet, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "SpanProperty", "SpanProperty");

    Span<string> ITestClass.SpanProperty { get => SpanProperty(); set => SpanProperty(value); }

Indexer mocks

Indexers are, loosely speaking, properties with a parameter list, so most of the discussion for properties goes for indexers as well. Even thought indexers are declared with the this keyword, they have an internal name (that can be changed with the IndexerName attribute), and the default name is Item.

In mocklis an indexer has a getter with one parameter type, and a return type, and a setter with one parameter type and a value type, but indexers can have more than one parameter. Here Mocklis uses ValueTypes to turn multiple types into one.

public interface ITestClass
    string this[int row, int col] { get; set; }

class TestClass : ITestClass
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    public TestClass()
        Item = new IndexerMock<(int row, int col), string>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "this[]", "Item", Strictness.Lenient);

    public IndexerMock<(int row, int col), string> Item { get; }

    string ITestClass.this[int row, int col] { get => Item[(row, col)]; set => Item[(row, col)] = value; }

Note that the mock property uses the internal name of the indexer, it’s not possible to expose a this[] property. Otherwise anything that goes for a property also goes for an indexer.

Method mocks

We’re discussing methods last because these have the largest number of different cases, even thought the IMethodStep interface only has one member. As for the indexer, condensing multiple parameters into one is done using ValueTuples. We cannot encode whether a parameter is in, out or ref in the value tuple, so instead an out parameter is added to the return type, and a ref parameter is added both as a normal parameter an as part of the return type. This means that we can have multiple return types, and again these are combined into a single ValueTuple.

The canonical example is the TryParse. Notice that the mock takes a string and returns a (bool, int) pair. By naming the individual types in the ValueTuple we get intellisense, and the name returnValue is given to the value returned from the mocked method.

public interface ITestClass
    bool TryParse(string text, out int result);

class TestClass : ITestClass
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    public TestClass()
        TryParse = new FuncMethodMock<string, (bool returnValue, int result)>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "TryParse", "TryParse", Strictness.Lenient);

    public FuncMethodMock<string, (bool returnValue, int result)> TryParse { get; }

    bool ITestClass.TryParse(string text, out int result)
        var tmp = TryParse.Call(text);
        result = tmp.result;
        return tmp.returnValue;

Method mocks can also return values by reference, and like out or ref parameters, the information that the value is to be returned by ref isn’t part of the return type and thus cannot be encoded in the type parameters of the mock itself. Mocklis can handle this by treating the mock as if it was a normal non-ref method, and then wrap the return value in an object so that we can return a reference at the last minute. Granted, this doesn’t provide the performance benefit that is sometimes looked for when using ref return values, but for tests this is usually good enough.

public interface ITestClass<in TKey, out TValue> where TValue : new()
    ref readonly int GetRef();

class TestClass<T, U> : ITestClass<T, U> where U : new()
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    public TestClass()
        GetRef = new FuncMethodMock<int>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "GetRef", "GetRef", Strictness.Lenient);

    public FuncMethodMock<int> GetRef { get; }

    ref readonly int ITestClass<T, U>.GetRef() => ref ByRef<int>.Wrap(GetRef.Call());

The default is to treat ref readonly returns in this manner, while using the virtual method fallback for ref returns. This can be controlled with attribute parameters as discussed in the Using Mocklis section.

Since method calls can have zero (or more) parameters and a void (or non-void) return type, we end up with four different types of methods: nothing->nothing, nothing->something, something->nothing and something->something. To keep the mock class a little more readable there are four different method mock types (in the example above FuncMethodMock was used) that all implement the ICanHaveNextMethodStep interface. There are also cases where the steps themselves come in different flavours depending on whether there are parameters and/or return types. The trick used by Mocklis is to represent a missing type with ValueTuple, but this also means that there might be more than one valid step to use.

As for properties and indexers, methods can use type parameters introduced by the interface they’re defined in. But methods can also introduce type parameters of their own. Since these type parameters won’t be closed we cannot create a mock property directly with them - we would need to have individual properties of all possible combinations of types. This is clearly impractical, so instead we create them as needed and store them in a dictionary keyed on the actual types used for each instance.

The generated code therefore contains a mock factory method instead of a mock property.

public interface ITestClass
    string Write<T>(T param);

class TestClass : ITestClass
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    private readonly TypedMockProvider _write = new TypedMockProvider();

    public FuncMethodMock<T, string> Write<T>()
        var key = new[] { typeof(T) };
        return (FuncMethodMock<T, string>)_write.GetOrAdd(key, keyString => new FuncMethodMock<T, string>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "Write" + keyString, "Write" + keyString + "()", Strictness.Lenient));

    string ITestClass.Write<T>(T param) => Write<T>().Call(param);


The mocks are initialised in the constructor. For a MocklisClass that doesn’t derive from another class (that is to say that derives directly from object) a default constructor will be added if there are mocks to initialise. The constructors are protected if the MocklisClass is declared as abstract, and public otherwise.

If the MocklisClass does derive from another class, all public and protected constructors from that base class will be given a corresponding constructor in the MocklisClass, passing on parameters as necessary.

If you look at the constructors in the examples given, each of the mock properties take a couple of parameters, a reference to the mock instance itself, and a couple of strings with the name of the mock class, the names of the interface and member, and the name of the mock property (which often but not always is the same as the name of the member). It also takes the strictness used when creating the MocklisClass so that it can react correctly in the cases where the configuration is missing or incomplete. This is exactly what can be found in the IMockInfo interface that is on every call on every I-membertype-Step interface. Steps can take advantage of this information if they want to; indeed the Missing step picks up the information from this parameter to provide the best possible exception message for the user.

Name clashes

There are cases where the generated code for mocks would clash with either each other or with identifiers already declared in base classes. In these cases Mocklis will add a numerical suffix to the introduced identifier. To take a very simple example, IEnumerable<T> derives from IEnumerable, and both have a GetEnumerator method. The generatod code looks like the following, and unfortunately you have to know which method you want to add a step to and use the corresponding name.

class TestClass : IEnumerable<int>
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    public TestClass()
        GetEnumerator = new FuncMethodMock<IEnumerator<int>>(this, "TestClass", "IEnumerable", "GetEnumerator", "GetEnumerator", Strictness.Lenient);
        GetEnumerator0 = new FuncMethodMock<System.Collections.IEnumerator>(this, "TestClass", "IEnumerable", "GetEnumerator", "GetEnumerator0", Strictness.Lenient);

    public FuncMethodMock<IEnumerator<int>> GetEnumerator { get; }

    IEnumerator<int> IEnumerable<int>.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator.Call();

    public FuncMethodMock<System.Collections.IEnumerator> GetEnumerator0 { get; }

    System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator0.Call();

Name clashes can also appear in the type parameter names, and in the types used to create a ValueTuple. When creating a ValueTuple we could clash with the default names Item1, Item2 and so forth, so Mocklis will rename these as well when needed.

Type parameter substitutions

The type parameter names declared by an interface, and the type parameter names used when referencing that interface do not need to be the same. Mocklis does substitutions where necessary, and sorts out situations where there would be a name clash.

Here’s a simple example - the interface calls the key TKey, but the class uses T, therefore all instances of TKey in the interface have been replaced with T in the class, and the same goes for TValue and U.

public interface ITestClass<in TKey, out TValue>
    TValue GetValue(TKey key);

class TestClass<T, U> : ITestClass<T, U>
    // The contents of this class were created by the Mocklis code-generator.
    // Any changes you make will be overwritten if the contents are re-generated.

    public TestClass()
        GetValue = new FuncMethodMock<T, U>(this, "TestClass", "ITestClass", "GetValue", "GetValue", Strictness.Lenient);

    public FuncMethodMock<T, U> GetValue { get; }

    U ITestClass<T, U>.GetValue(T key) => GetValue.Call(key);

Experimental Stuff

Mocklis has a project & associated NuGet package for experimental things: Mocklis.Experimental. It is meant for things that are in a bit of flux and may either graduate to the main Mocklis package, or be found wanting and deleted. Think of it as an incubation space for new functionality. It will not follow the versioning of the other Mocklis NuGet packages, but will stay perpetually pre-release.

At the moment it only contains the Gate step.

Gate steps

The idea behind the Gate step is that it will complete a Task (as in Task Parallel Library), when the step is called. The Task can then be used to drive other things happening in the step, effectively forcing a strict ordering of events in the face of many threads running.

The syntax is still very experimental - it currently only exists for ‘Method’ mocks, and might well be killed off altogether…

public async Task SuccessfulPing()
    // Arrange
    var mockConnection = new MockConnection();
        .Gate(out var sendGate)
        .Stored<MessageEventArgs>(out var messageReceive);
    var pingService = new PingService(mockConnection);

    // Act
    var ping = pingService.Ping();
    await sendGate;
    messageReceive.Raise(mockConnection, new MessageEventArgs(new Message("PingResponse")));
    var pingResult = await ping;

    // Assert